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Resource Library

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10 Powerful Community-Building Ideas Edutopia
This article compiles activities and includes illustrative videos for community building for elementary, middle, and high school.
A School Year Like No Other Demands a New Learning Day: A Blueprint for How Afterschool Programs & Community Partners Can Help Afterschool Alliance
This blueprint offers building blocks for school–community partnerships to address equity and co-construct the learning day in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Academic Success for All Students: A Multi-Tiered Approach Edutopia
This Edutopia video, and several other articles, highlights how a school in Florida is using a multi-tiered systems of support framework to meet the needs of every student.
Advisors for All Stand for Children Leadership Center

This how-to guide is based on the pioneering “Every Student Every Day” advising approach of Phoenix Union High School District in Arizona, where every student in the district’s 21 high schools is connected to a caring adult who monitors their progress, attendance, and social and emotional well-being.

Afterschool Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act Research for Action

Based on a literature review of studies published since 2000, this review summarizes the effectiveness of specific after-school programs. The review uses the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence framework to assess the evidence of over 60 after-school programs. A companion guide provides profiles of each after-school program included in the review as well as studies of each program’s effectiveness.

Literature review
Assessing Learning in the Classroom National Education Association
This book describes common principles for effective assessment that educators can use to ensure that assessments inform teaching and improve learning. The authors describe various assessment approaches and their strengths and limitations and supplement these discussions with vignettes of effective classroom assessments in action.
Assessing Student Learning by Design: Principles and Practices for Teachers and School Leaders Teachers College Press
This book provides educators with guidance on how to use assessments to gather relevant data and promote learning. Through its Assessment Planning Framework, it helps educators match assessments to purpose, goals, and content and provides insights on how assessments can promote student growth and instructional improvement.
Beyond “Misconceptions”: How to Recognize and Build on Facets of Student Thinking STEM Teaching Tools and Institute for Science + Math Education
This resource presents things to consider; discusses how to attend to equity; and provides recommendations for actions educators can take to be able to recognize, build on, and respond to the range of ideas, or facets of students’ thinking, during instruction.
Big Picture Learning website Big Picture Learning
Big Picture Learning works with districts and school leaders to design schools that immerse students in interest-based learning experiences. These learning experiences are grounded in personalized courses of study and workplace learning opportunities that are supported with advisories, among other personalized structures, that strengthen relationships. To date, Big Picture Learning has worked to create and sustain over 62 schools in the United States and supports more than 100 schools internationally with the goal of advancing equity and deeper learning in personalized and meaningful ways.
Building Community Schools: A Guide for Action National Center for Community Schools

This guide provides information on several topics related to implementing and sustaining community schools, including key elements of community schools, models of community schools across the country, and case studies.

Building Equitable Learning Environments (BELE) Network website Building Equitable Learning Environments Network

The BELE Network works with educators, policymakers, school support organizations, and other stakeholders to create equitable learning environments that are grounded in the science of learning and development. Guided by its transformation framework, the network aims to create resources and tools that support practitioners and decision-makers in transformational change. In addition, the BELE Network supports and convenes partners to share learnings from this equity-oriented change process and to elevate the ways that the field can make equitable learning environments a sustainable reality.

Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
This webpage provides resources and modules for building a trauma- informed school, and it recommends that these resources be used as part of a group-based training.
Web page
California Performance Assessment Collaborative (CPAC) Learning Policy Institute
This webpage provides information, videos, and lessons captured from the educators, policymakers, and researchers in CPAC who are working to study and advance the use of authentic approaches to assessment that require students to demonstrate applied knowledge of content and use of 21st-century skills.
Web page
Center for Mental Health in Schools and Student/Learning Supports at UCLA website UCLA
The center offers a wealth of free resources on its website, including a System Change Toolkit for transforming student and learning supports and Gateway to a World of Resources for Enhancing MH in Schools & Student/Learning Supports, which is a links “map” that facilitates various forms of networking and helps analyze strengths, weaknesses, and gaps or inequities in available resources. A core facet of the center’s work is the National Initiative for Transforming Student and Learning Supports.
Children’s Safety Network (CSN) website
CSN works with state and jurisdiction Maternal and Child Health programs and Injury and Violence Prevention programs to create an environment in which all infants, children, and youth are safe and healthy.
City Connects website
City Connects partners with schools to transform existing student supports in a school and in the surrounding community into an integrated support system of care that addresses the strengths and needs of each student across all developmental domains. To date, City Connects has implemented its approach in 82 schools across six states, helping them to create and execute a tailored plan of resources, opportunities, and relationships, with the goal of supporting each student to be ready to learn and engage in school.
Classroom Looping: What It Is and Why Schools Should Consider It Mimio Educator
This short blog post from 2016 discusses the benefits of looping, a practice in which students stay with the same teacher for multiple years.
Blog post
Climate Connection Toolkit WestEd
This toolkit includes activities that school leaders can use to encourage school community members to define, examine, and build norms that nourish a sense of belonging and stronger relationships.
Coalition for Community Schools website

The Coalition for Community Schools is an alliance of national, state, and local organizations in k–12 education, youth development, community planning and development, family support, health and human services, government, and philanthropy. It offers a range of tools and resources that can help educational leaders to build and sustain community school models and initiatives in their area, including opportunities to connect with technical assistance providers that can help communities improve their planning and management.

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) website
CASEL offers a comprehensive collection of high-quality social and emotional learning tools and resources to inform and support educators, researchers, policymakers, and parents who are leading this work in the field.
Community Schools Playbook Partnership for the Future of Learning
This playbook provides model legislation, real-world examples, and many additional resources for state and local leaders who want to support community schools.
Conflict Resolution in the High School Engaging Schools
This guide includes lessons for educators to help teach high school students essentials skills for managing and resolving interpersonal conflicts in positive ways and exploring diversity, power, and prejudice along the way.
CORE Districts website
The CORE Districts are a collective of districts across California that collaborate to build educator capacity and effective data processes that support whole child education. Since 2013, they have established a shared data system that incorporates academic and nonacademic indicators and have facilitated interdistrict professional learning that supports schools and systems in their areas of strength and struggle. Through their collective work, the CORE Districts have shared the key lessons and takeaways that have emerged in their efforts to support continuous improvement within and across districts and schools, and with state and federal policymakers.
Culturally Responsive Education Hub website
This hub provides practitioners with an array of resources to advance culturally responsive education and ethnic studies. These include research studies and briefs; resources for culturally responsive education during remote learning; and a video series that illustrates the impact of culturally responsive education from the perspective of parents, educators, and students.
Culturally Responsive Teaching Edutopia
This web page provides practitioners with links to articles, resources, and videos that support culturally responsive teaching. The resources cover various topics, including broader discussions of how to advance equity and anti-racism in classrooms at different grade levels as well as guidance on how to adopt and implement a range of discrete culturally responsive teaching practices.
Web page
Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain Zaretta Hammond
This book offers an approach for designing and implementing culturally responsive instruction consistent with research on brain development and neuroscience.
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Honors the Humanity and Identity of Young People EducationWeek
This blog post is part of a four-part series on culturally sustaining pedagogy and provides the perspectives of four educators on specific ways to be more culturally responsive and culturally sustaining.
Blog post
Developing Community Agreements National Equity Project
This resource provides tips for developing community agreements and an accompanying resource that walks through a suggested approach to engaging students and staff in the process.
EdPrepLab website
EdPrepLab supports a network of preparation programs that aim to develop strong, equity-oriented educators who maintain a robust knowledge of the science of learning and development and its implications for practice. It helps programs develop coherent and well-integrated coursework and field experiences that can prepare their emerging educators to implement and integrate the essential elements of whole child school design.
EL Education website
This network supports academic, social and emotional, and character learning across more than 150 schools that serve over 500,000 students. Through its work across the country, EL has created a range of free and open educational resources (e.g., curricula, videos, documents, books, and student work models) that can help educators create inquiry-based learning opportunities that engage learners and build their knowledge, skills, habits, and mindsets.
Envision Learning Partners website
Envision Learning Partners (ELP) helps educators, school leaders, and district officials build high-quality systems of performance assessment to engage students in rich and meaningful learning. ELP facilitates discussions among diverse teams to identify equity challenges and define the skills students need to succeed. ELP then works with practitioners to codesign high-quality performance assessments and build professional capacity to sustain that learning system. To date, the organization has supported work in over 100 districts and 45 schools to transform learning experiences for over 200,00 students.
Family-School Partnerships Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
This web page provides a list of resources for starting, supporting, and strengthening family–school partnerships, from accessible blogs and videos to interviews with veteran researchers.
Web page
Financing Community Schools: A Framework for Growth and Sustainability Partnership for the Future of Learning
This finance brief discusses community schools funding in depth. It provides a framework for financing community schools and examples of how community schools at varying stages of development can identify and implement financing strategies.
Finding Time for Collaboration ASCD
This resource compiles 15 examples of creative ways that schools throughout the country have made or found time for shared reflection and collaboration among teachers.
Finding Time for Collaborative Planning ERS
This resource highlights six strategies for finding sufficient time for collaboration.
Five Tips for Teaching Advisory Classes at Your School Greater Good Magazine
This 2017 article discusses the importance of advisory periods for relationship building as well as how to structure them into meaningful learning opportunities.
Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research
This report offers a comprehensive framework for youth development from early childhood to young adulthood, with an emphasis on the kinds of experiences and relationships that foster the development of factors that influence success.
Getting Classroom Management Right: Guided Discipline and Personalized Support in Secondary Schools Engaging Schools
This book provides resources designed for educators to organize and manage their classrooms and work with adolescents to create learning environments that foster fairness, mutual respect, accountability, and self-discipline.
Getting Started With Trauma-Informed Practices Edutopia
This Edutopia video describes the emotional and academic benefits students reap when teachers use strategies tailored to young people who have experienced trauma.
Getting to Work on Summer Learning: Recommended Practices for Success, 2nd Ed. RAND Corporation
Based on thousands of hours of observations, interviews, and surveys, this report provides guidance for district leaders and their partners for launching, improving, and sustaining effective summer learning programs.
Guidance on Culturally Responsive-Sustaining School Reopenings: Centering Equity to Humanize the Process of Coming Back Together Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
This guide poses questions and practices for policymakers, district and school leaders, and school personnel to consider for engaging in culturally responsive, equitable, and sustainable school reinventions.
Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC) website
HSC aims to support schools in providing students with healthy environments, nutritious food, health services, and physical activity. HSC’s resource center provides several tools that enable school districts, educators, and families to engage in this work, including advocacy guides and resources to incorporate health and wellness into schools.
How Learning Happens Edutopia
This video series illustrates strategies that enact the science of learning and development in schools and other learning settings. It includes several video series on various topics, such as fostering positive relationships, cultivating a belonging mindset, developing foundational skills and academic confidence, establishing positive conditions for learning, and learning beyond the school day.
Identity Safe Classrooms and Schools Learning for Justice
This blog post is part of a three-part series that links implicit bias, stereotype threat, and identity safety and describes practices educators can draw upon to build identity-safe classrooms and schools.
Blog post
Identity Safe Classrooms: Places to Belong and Learn Dorothy M. Steele and Becki Cohn- Vargas
This website, based on a book of the same name, includes activities, practices, and resources for creating identity-safe classrooms.
Implementation Science and Complex School Changes Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Supports
This report outlines lessons learned about pursuing multifaceted and complex changes in school systems. It offers specific examples of organizations engaged in change processes and elevates lessons learned in making substantive and sustainable transformation.
Implementing Restorative Practices Minnesota Department of Education
Minnesota has developed a suite of resources, including key principles to guide restorative practices in schools and implementation guidance to provide school districts, administrators, and educators with resources to integrate restorative practices into the schoolwide climate, discipline, and teaching and learning.
Web page
Inclusive Social Emotional Learning for Students With Disabilities National Center for Learning Disabilities

This web page provides resources that can support schools in adopting and implementing social and emotional learning in ways that are attentive to students with disabilities. One of these resources is the 7 Principles for Serving Students With Disabilities and Intersectional Identities Through Social and Emotional Learning Approaches, which informs the design and theories of action behind social and emotional learning approaches and how they can be most effective in supporting these student populations. The SEL Parent Advocacy Toolkit is another resource that helps parents understand the importance of SEL and advocate for high-quality practices and policies that support this approach.

Web page
Institute for Student Achievement website
The Institute for Student Achievement (ISA) assists with whole-school reform efforts around the country using seven evidence-based principles, which focus on college preparatory teaching and learning, relationships and personalization, and continuous improvement. Through this lens, ISA supports school districts in creating and sustaining equitable practices through activities such as equity audits, strategic planning support, and professional development.
Integrate Student Supports With Schoolwide SEL Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
This resource provides guidance on how schools can integrate social and emotional learning into their multi-tiered systems of support framework.
Internationals Network website
Internationals Network designs, develops, and supports schools and programs for recently arrived immigrants and refugees. To date, it has partnered with 12 districts to develop 28 schools that meet the needs of multilingual learners through an activity-based pedagogical model that features collaborative, inquiry-based learning. In addition to supporting school development, Internationals Network provides professional development, offering practitioners experiential learning opportunities that simulate the effective practices Internationals schools use to support multilingual learners and to share best practices.
Investing in Successful Summer Programs: A Review of Evidence Under the Every Student Succeeds Act RAND Corporation
This report provides current information about the effectiveness of summer programs for k–12 students to help practitioners, funders, and policymakers make evidence-based investments. The review uses the ESSA evidence framework to assess the effectiveness of summer programs and includes descriptions of 43 summer programs that align with ESSA evidence standards.
It’s About Time: Organizing Schools for Teacher Planning and Learning Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education

This report details the benefits and challenges of creating time and capacity for teacher collaboration and shared learning, along with detailing how Hillsdale High School redesigned its master schedule to facilitate the school’s collective mission and goals to support collaboration and relationships.

Leading Equity Center website
The center provides several professional learning opportunities (e.g., interactive webinars, workshops, and coaching) for educators to promote equitable instructional practices in both in-person and virtual learning settings.
Leading With Purpose and Passion: A Guide for Community School Directors National Center for Community Schools

This printed guide, developed by the National Center for Community Schools, provides practical advice and concrete resources for community school directors, with an emphasis on their leadership role in schools.

Lesson Planning With Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Understood For All
This step-by-step guide is designed to help educators create lessons that meet the needs of all students. It offers guidance on how to proactively reflect on, design, and implement lessons.
Liberatory Design website
Liberatory Design is a problem-solving approach and practice that centers equity and supports leaders to design for liberation. Building on best practices from fields like design thinking, complexity theory, organizing, equity, and restorative healing, this approach helps leaders better understand challenges, see how systems of oppression affect current practice and structure, identify and implement equity-oriented solutions, and engage in deep self-reflection to support continuous improvement. Through this, leaders develop their capacity and agency to create change with their communities and build toward collective liberation.
Linked Learning website
The Linked Learning Alliance is a coalition of educators, educational leaders, and community organizations that promotes the integration of college and career preparation for young people in educational systems. Specifically, it promotes the implementation of approaches that emphasize strong academics alongside access to comprehensive student supports and real-world learning opportunities that enhance students’ skills and job-related knowledge. To advance this work, the Alliance works to grow the field’s understanding of the power of linked learning experiences, elevates policies that can enable this pedagogical approach, and facilitates professional development that grows practitioner and community knowledge.
Making Classrooms and Schools Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Greater Good in Education
This web page offers strategies to support teacher and student well-being, such as how trauma- and resiliency-informed schools can recognize triggers at school and be aware of signs or symptoms of distress.
Web page
Making Families Feel Welcome Greater Good in Education
This brief reflection activity for school staff lists methods for making students’ families feel valued and respected.
Mindset Kit Project for Education Research That Scales
The Mindset Kit is a free set of online lessons and practices designed to help you teach and foster adaptive beliefs about learning and growth mindsets.
Web page
Model School Code on Education and Dignity Dignity in Schools Campaign
The Model Code toolkit is organized into five chapters: (1) Education; (2) Participation; (3) Dignity; (4) Freedom From Discrimination; and (5) Data, Monitoring, and Accountability. Each of these chapters addresses a key component of providing a quality education and reflects core human rights principles and values. Each chapter includes recommended policies for states, districts, and schools.
Models of Excellence EL Education
This web page provides a collection of high-quality pre-k–12 student work and resources, such as protocols, frameworks, and videos, on how to use student work with colleagues and in the classroom.
Web page
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Academies Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The Multi-Tiered System of Support Academies comprise district and school teams from across Massachusetts that are working to transform their approaches to student support for the more than 85,000 students they serve. The Academy offers eight professional development opportunities, including those focused on culturally responsive school leadership, tiered literacy supports, and SEL, creating a district learning network that may serve as a model for other districts and locales in building their own professional learning communities.
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) website
NASP has made many handouts from its resource “Helping Children at Home and School III” freely available as a public service to provide parents and teachers with up-to-date information and proven, solutions-based strategies for home and classroom applications.
National Center for Community Schools website
The focus of NCCS, a part of Children’s Aid, is to build the capacity of schools and districts to work in meaningful long-term relationships with community partners. Since 1994, NCCS has developed a variety of free planning tools, implementation guides, videos, and other resources and has also provided intensive assistance (training, on-site consultation, and strategic planning facilitation) on a fee-for-service basis.
National Center on Intensive Intervention website
The center provides information and resources on effective academic and behavioral intervention programs, including research reviews of intervention programs, to assist with selecting an evidence-based approach matched to a school’s or district’s needs.
NEP BELE District Network National Equity Project (NEP) and Building Equitable Learning Environments (BELE) Network

This learning network includes a group of school districts that are committed to designing more equitable and healing-centered schools and approaches to teaching and learning that center the experiences of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students. Guided by the BELE Framework, leaders engage in professional learning and codesign approaches to ensure that youth emerge with strong academic skills, social-emotional wellness, a sense of agency, healthy identity and civic responsibility, and a broader set of competencies that equip them to engage as healthy and happy adults and citizens.

New Tech Network website
New Tech Network partners with school districts to support comprehensive school change centered on the implementation of interdisciplinary, project-based learning. To do this, the network engages district officials and practitioners in professional development that helps them build schools that implement project-based learning and consider how to spread this deeper learning model to other schools through a supportive policy and personnel infrastructure. To date, New Tech has worked closely with over 200 districts and schools nationwide and boasts high college persistence rates through its project-based learning approach.
Not In Our School Not In Our Town
This website includes lesson plans, professional development guides, and other resources to support the creation of safe, accepting, and inclusive school communities.
Office of Community Schools New York City Department of Education
The New York City Office of Community Schools runs the largest community school initiative in the country and offers a wide variety of well-developed, free resources for schools and community partners on topics ranging from proven strategies to reduce chronic absence to how to run weekly student support meetings.
Web page
On the Rise: Cincinnati’s Community Learning Centers Partnership for the Future of Learning
This film series highlights how Cincinnati’s community schools, called “Community Learning Centers,” are working to support students and families. The videos address several topics, including community engagement, community development, pathways for all students, and teaching partnerships.
Parent Teacher Home Visits Toolbox of Best Practices Parent Teacher Home Visits

This web page compiles resources for educators, families, and communities to help implement home visit programs, including tools for getting started, training, and outreach.

Web page
Partnership Implementation Framework (PIF) With Evidence Guide Partnership for Los Angeles Schools
This self-assessment tool includes implementation criteria for key components to build a supportive school system across six areas: instructional leadership, teaching and learning, data-driven instruction, school culture and restorative communities, engaged and empowered communities, and organizational leadership.
PBLWorks website
This website provides k–12 educators with resources to design and facilitate high-quality project-based learning. Resources for practitioners to download include project ideas and sample planning forms, rubrics, student handouts, and more.
Performance Assessment Resource Bank SCALE; SCOPE; and CCSSO
The Performance Assessment Resource Bank is an online collection of performance tasks and resources—collected from educators and organizations across the United States and reviewed by experts in the field—to support the use of performance assessment for meaningful learning.
Web page
PERTS (Project for Education Research That Scales)

This website connects educators with an array of resources that can help them apply evidence-based strategies to advance student success, including those that support the development of growth mindsets. Free resources like the Mindset Kit help practitioners learn about adaptive learning mindsets and the teaching and learning strategies that can enable it.

Planning Differentiated, Multicultural Instruction for Secondary Inclusive Classrooms Council for Exceptional Children
This article provides an overview of key principles and examples of differentiated instruction, Universal Design for Learning, and multicultural education, as well as a unit planner template to help educators put these components into action.
Planning to Implement the Townhall and Mind & Body Components Turnaround for Children
This toolkit outlines how a school might leverage a structure like class meetings or advisories to address students’ self-regulation and build developmental relationships.
Portrait of a Culturally Responsive School The Leadership Academy
This resource offers guidance for school leaders and their teams to develop practices, policies, and structures that support the academic, social, and emotional success of youth of every race, language, or other identity backgrounds. Through its eight action areas of culturally responsive leadership, the guide supports leaders and their schools in disrupting systemic oppression and decentering dominant cultures to accelerate learning and well-being.
Preventing a Lost School Year: The Crucial Importance of Motivating Students & Engaging Families Stand for Children

This guide identifies essentials for motivating and supporting students and for creating strong partnerships with families, including advisors for all, staff teaming, and virtual home visits, accompanied by tools and resources.

Professional Learning Resources Mary E. Walsh Center for Thriving Children

The Mary E. Walsh Center for Thriving Children and the Boston College Lynch School of Education and Human Development have partnered to launch a series of continuing education resources. These resources are intended to share best practices with counselors, teachers, researchers, and other school staff to help them create high-quality practices of student support in their schools.

Web page
Project-Based Learning video series Edutopia
This video series describes how project-based learning can have a positive impact on achievement and engagement. It provides an overview of the key features of project-based learning, the skills and mindsets that it nurtures and requires, and the ways it fits in with what we know works for students.
Rally Platform for Student Success CORE Districts

Practitioners can use this interactive tool to support comprehensive data collection and analysis on students’ holistic needs and assets. By displaying assessment data over the years, information about students’ well-being, open-ended student quotes, and teacher notes, practitioners can gain more comprehensive background knowledge on students. Additionally, the platform incorporates equity pauses, which are brief activities that facilitate individual or collective reflection on students to help identify strategies that best support them.

Redesigning High Schools: 10 Features for Success Learning Policy Institute

A number of schools have been effective at rejecting the factory model and redesigning their systems to create safe environments with opportunities for exciting and rigorous academic work. Their successes have ideas in common, offering 10 important lessons for other schools. This report offers a powerful evidence-based blueprint to create learning environments that are more humane, enriching, and productive than our current models.

Resource Library Marshall Street at Summit Public Schools

Marshall Street at Summit Public Schools is a coalition of educators working to systematically improve opportunities for students across the country. As part of their efforts, Marshall Street has curated a resource library, which contains papers, toolkits, and frameworks for educators and school leaders to increase opportunities for students. These include “Clearing the Path: How Schools Can Improve College Access and Persistence for Every Student” and “Designing Aligned School Models: A Framework for School Improvement,” which outline concrete steps for designing school models that support student success.

Web page
Resources and Downloads to Facilitate Inquiry-Based Learning Edutopia
This web page helps educators find information, strategies, and tools to promote engagement in inquiry-based learning. It includes downloadable tools and resources used by practitioners at schools with successful inquiry-based practices to help educators see these practices and strategies in action.
Web page
Resources from the Center for Research and Learning Kansas University

This center works with schools and communities, classroom teachers, students, and service organizations to address challenges of improving literacy and learning. Through its extensive research, it has generated resources that teachers, students, parents, and schools can use successfully to improve student achievement and literacy. This includes the Strategic Instruction Model, which points to teacher-focused and student-focused interventions that can effectively scaffold and bolster learning.

Web page
Resources on Positive School Discipline American Federation of Teachers
This website compiles resources from the American Federation of Teachers and its partners to help school leaders and educators implement positive discipline strategies.
Restorative Justice Implementation Guide: A Whole School Approach Oakland Unified School District
This guide was designed to support someone facilitating restorative practices in their school to create an implementation plan for introducing restorative practices to the school community.
Restorative Justice: Resources for Schools Edutopia
This is a compilation of resources and case studies for bringing restorative justice into schools and classrooms.
Web page
Restorative Practices: Fostering Healthy Relationships & Promoting Positive Discipline in Schools Schott Foundation; Advancement Project; American Federation of Teachers; and National Education Association
This guide provides examples of restorative practices, implementation tips and strategies, and examples from school districts.
Reunite, Renew, Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
This guide provides school leaders with whole-school, anti-racist SEL strategies centered on relationships and built on the existing strengths of a school community. Specifically, the guide provides critical SEL practices that promote healing and equity; points to actions that schools can take to prepare, implement, and sustain their integrative SEL work; and provides tools to help them along the way.
Rural Health Information Hub website
The website contains a database of resources that can support practitioners who work in rural schools. Specifically, its resources can help leaders, educators, and other school-based personnel to build schools and systems that integrate services in ways that acknowledge and address the unique needs and infrastructure of rural communities.
Scaffolding in Education Education Corner
This resource provides educators with an overview of the benefits of scaffolding and possible implementation challenges. It also describes various scaffolding techniques and tools that practitioners can use to support teaching and learning.
Scale a Community School: A System-Wide Strategy Coalition for Community Schools
This interactive guide is intended to support communities in planning, implementing, and sustaining a community schools strategy.
School Climate and Inclusion National School Climate Center
This brief includes strategies for guiding effective practice to support inclusion as a part of the holistic life of a school.
School Relationships Greater Good in Education
This web page compiles information on practices for fostering positive peer relationships, teacher–student relationships, staff relationships, and family and community relationships.
Web page
SEL Implementation Tools and Resources Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

This web page provides several resources for schools and districts to implement SEL in their communities, such as program guides, an SEL assessment guide, a video titled SEL 101 for parents, and a district resource center that offers additional tools and resources to support high-quality implementation.

Web page
Six Scaffolding Strategies to Use With Your Students Edutopia
This resource describes six scaffolding strategies that practitioners can use to support student learning: (1) show and tell; (2) tap into prior knowledge; (3) provide time to talk; (4) pre-teach vocabulary; (5) use visual aids; and (6) pause, ask questions, pause, review.
Social and Emotional Development Matters: Taking Action Now for Future Generations Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
This broad policy brief indicates a number of steps with actions to take at every level (federal, state, district, school, classroom, and home) to integrate SEL into a whole child approach.
Social Emotional Learning and Equity National Equity Project
This resource includes an important chart that highlights potential pitfalls and provides guidance on how to avoid them as schools advance equity and inclusion in the implementation of SEL.
SoLD Video Library for Educator Preparation EdPrepLab

The SoLD Video Library is a repository created to share and disseminate videos and resources that demonstrate the educator preparation design principles. This library provides resources to help educator preparation programs incorporate the science of learning and development (SoLD) and support implementation with guidance and examples from the Design Principles for Teacher Preparation.

Web page
Start a Community School Coalition for Community Schools
This toolkit provides information on how to implement a community school initiative and focuses on several topics, including vision and strategic planning, building a leadership team, needs and capacity assessments, sharing space and facilities, financing your community school, and research and evaluation.
Strategies and Practices to Advance Deeper Learning: Insights From Networks Learning Policy Institute
In these videos, school and district educators and network representatives share their insights on the strategies and practices to support designing schools to be student- and relationship-centered.
Summit Learning website
Summit Learning employs a research-based approach to education designed to drive student engagement, meaningful learning, and strong relationships that prepare students for life beyond the classroom. The Summit Learning program offers schools customizable curriculum, a range of educational resources and technology tools, professional development for educators, and ongoing coaching and support for schools. To date, the program has reached over 80,000 students, 4,000 educators, and nearly 400 schools across the United States.
Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance The University of Chicago Consortium on School Research
This report describes research on the five noncognitive factors related to academic performance: academic behaviors, academic perseverance, academic mindsets, learning strategies, and social skills.
The Advisory Guide: Designing and Implementing Effective Advisory Programs in Secondary Schools Engaging Schools
This guide is intended to help secondary educators design, implement, and sustain a tailored advisory program that supports community building and the development of social and emotional awareness and skills.
The CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning
This guide provides information for schools to coordinate and build upon SEL practices and programs to systematically integrate them into all educational experiences and promote equitable outcomes for all students.
The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships Karen L. Mapp; Eyal Bergman; and the Institute for Educational Leadership
The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2) was designed to help districts and schools chart a path toward effective family engagement efforts.
The Informal Formative Assessment Cycle as a Model for Teacher Practice STEM Teaching Tools; Institute for Science + Math Education
This research brief summarizes and illustrates, through examples of informal assessment conversations, the nature of informal formative assessment and its connection to student learning.
The Power of Affirming One’s Values: Classrooms as Supportive Spaces Northeastern Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research
This web page provides values affirmation activities that can be easily implemented in 15 minutes or less with students.
Web page
The Whole Child: Building Systems of Integrated Student Support During and After COVID-19 Center for Optimized Student Support
This action guide includes a self-assessment tool and developmental rubric that helps practitioners build comprehensive and tailored integrated support systems to meet students’ varied needs. It does so by guiding practitioners through a series of self-assessments and prompts that allow them to take stock of the resources, personnel, and infrastructure they have in place and to identify ways that their systems can be improved.
Toolkit: Connected Professional Learning for Teachers ERS
This toolkit covers strategic practices, how to organize resources, and where to get started to shift school systems to engage teachers in effective connected professional learning.
Transcend website
Transcend works with schools and districts to provide design and implementation support as they advance fundamental change to their school models. For practitioners beginning to design or redesign schools, Transcend provides coaching, research-driven tools, and other professional supports that guide practitioners through a research and development process grounded in equity and science. For those already engaged in school design, the organization helps leaders and educators understand and strengthen the conditions for innovation and effective implementation.
Trauma-Informed Resources for Students and School Staff American Federation of Teachers
This web page links to trauma-informed resources for teachers with a particular emphasis on mental health resources and how to navigate traumatic current events.
Web page
Trauma-Informed SEL Toolkit Transforming Education
This toolkit provides information about how trauma impacts students, strategies educators can implement in the classroom, secondary traumatic stress, and strategies for educator self-care. The toolkit also provides prompts to facilitate educator learning and engagement with the material.
Turnaround for Children Toolbox Turnaround for Children
This interactive toolkit was designed for teachers, school and district leaders, support staff, and others to reflect on and assess how to put into place whole child redesign, including co-creating norms and expectations and putting into place consistent routines.
Turnaround for Children website

Turnaround for Children works to support practitioners in advancing and implementing whole child educational practices. To this end, the organization produces research-based tools for educators, such as a toolkit on how to use a whole child vision to assess and plan for tiered systems of support and resources to accelerate healthy student development and achievement. In addition, Turnaround for Children works with schools, districts, and networks across the country, which, to date, includes training, coaching, and support to over 220 school leaders in 76 schools to help create healthy learning environments that catalyze success and well-being.

UDL at a Glance Video Series and Guidelines CAST
This resource and its videos explain the Universal Design for Learning framework and how educators can use it to create instructional goals, assessments, methods, and materials that meet student needs. It points to concrete strategies to guide the implementation of a Universal Design for Learning framework in any learning environment and is accompanied by FAQs and additional resources.
UDL Guidelines CAST
These guidelines are meant to provide concrete strategies to guide the implementation of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework in any learning environment and are accompanied by videos, FAQs, and additional resources.
Valor Collegiate Academies The Learning Accelerator
Valor Collegiate Academies partnered with The Learning Accelerator to share resources about Valor’s relationship-centered human development school model, Compass, including details of the social and emotional learning and growth activities in which staff participate.
Virtual Home Visits: Building Essential Relationships Stand for Children
This web page includes a guide and an app designed to make virtual home visits easier.
Web page
We Are Crew: A Teamwork Approach to School Culture EL Education
This book serves as a guide for improving school culture, morning meetings, and advisories. It is also accompanied by free online resources, including an online toolkit, a collection of nearly 40 videos, and professional development packets, to support the construction of a culture in which all members of a school community feel supported.
What Are Community Schools? Partnership for the Future of Learning
This video describes the four key features of community schools, the importance of community school coordinators, and strategies for funding community schools.
What is Assistive Technology? Understood For All
This web resource explains what assistive technology is and how it can help youth overcome learning challenges. It also provides examples of the various types of tools that can be used in different content areas and with different age groups.
Web page
Whole Child Model Van Ness Elementary and Transcend
Van Ness Elementary School, in partnership with Transcend, has implemented a Whole Child Model, which aims to help students build the intra- and interpersonal skills they need to manage stress and handle conflicts as they continue their individual paths to success and well-being. This website can help practitioners learn about this school model and includes resources that can help schools implement practices that create a safe and connected learning environment among and between youth and adults.
Youcubed website
This website provides educators with resources to teach math in creative and inquiry-based ways that make it powerful and accessible for all learners. Resources include tasks by grade and topic, a list of key research, and online courses for educators and students.